I Really Dislike Facebook

19 Nov

I’m not at the point where I hate Facebook, but I’m getting there.

I noticed that I started getting a HUGE amount of spam in my email box whenever I’m active on Facebook. Coincidence? I think not!

Too many people from my past keep wanting to add me as their friend and then they send me messages asking me, “How do I know you?” If you’re gonna add me as a friend, you’d better know me first dumb ass! Besides, I don’t WANT to know you anymore.

All of the ads on Facebook are about hooking up with someone or finding a date. What about married people? We don’t want a date, we just want something to take our attention away from our boring or nagging spouse. Nice.

Whoever designed it is an addict, or used to be one. I can waste a few hours on that site and enter some kind of time warp and I end up thinking, “What the hell happened to the time?” It’s highly addicting and frankly, there are too many other addictions in my life. I don’t need another one, thank you very much.

There is one other reason why I am starting to not like Facebook…and he already knows about it.

Stupid Facebook.

25 Responses to “I Really Dislike Facebook”

  1. whatigotsofar 11/19/2008 at 12:38 PM #

    You know, some married people want to continue dating. Take my ex-wife for example. She wanted to keep dating guys after we got married.

  2. Random Chick 11/19/2008 at 12:48 PM #

    Maybe you should not have gotten married? Just a thought.

  3. Megan 11/19/2008 at 12:56 PM #

    I am in a love-hate relationship with Facebook right now. Still more on the love side, though I don’t use it for dating!

  4. By-tor 11/19/2008 at 1:12 PM #

    LOL…fecebook I love it.I take the fifth…ILYLM :)Nice post

  5. Queen Goob 11/19/2008 at 1:29 PM #

    I’ve had an account for some time but never ever got on there UNTIL one of my best friends had the bright idea of telling me she added me as a friend and I needed to accept her. YeaWhateverBastard addict…..On the plus side, most of the guys I dated way back when are either in prison, dead, or don’t know how to turn on a computer so I’m safe from stalkers. Was I a classy broad back then or what?

  6. Wotzizface 11/19/2008 at 1:57 PM #

    Ditto!I go there once in a while to delete all of the crap that well intentioned peole send me and to spy on my older kids..heh heh.Last night I tried Twitter , which is instant meassaging on crack…I actually prefer chatting to a few other bloggers in real time on Facebook..it’s sort of fun to banter back and forth but I don’t have time to do that every night?I don’t have time to blog anymore and still be able to follow the 100 others that I am trying to follow…aarrgghh!I shut down my FB for about 2 months at a time but whatf*ckingever..I can easily live without it.

  7. Posh Totty 11/19/2008 at 2:06 PM #

    I am hidden on Facebook, I can not be found, no unwanted person from my past can find me or add me …. the only friends I have on their are the ones I chose to find myself and add. People from my are in my past for a reason and I am happy to keep it that way. I agree tho it is adictive and I probably spent way too much time on Facebook too …. sad really!

  8. Random Chick 11/19/2008 at 2:24 PM #

    Meagan: Yeah, I find it annoying yet I can’t stay away. What does that say about me?By-tor: As long as you don’t respond to that dumb chick, you’re okay. 😉 ILYLMQueen Goob: I’ve always thought you were a classy broad. *burp*Wotzizface: Well, if you’d stop changing your Avatar and your name maybe it would make life easier? I can’t keep up with all your identities!!!! Can you?Posh Totty: You can do that? I need to figure out how to hide myself. That must be my problem!!!

  9. ReformingGeek 11/19/2008 at 3:24 PM #

    I don’t need anything else to suck up time. It’s too easy for me to get addicted and I spend enough time on the Internet already. I like Fecebook! I’ve noticed there is a lot of sh*t on the Internet lately!

  10. Random Chick 11/19/2008 at 3:35 PM #

    Reforming Geek: Perhaps it is a Government conspiracy to keep us all busy while they run the country into the ground? Hmmmm…yes, I agree lots of crap on the Internet. Another conspiracy?

  11. Suzanne 11/19/2008 at 5:25 PM #

    Hi honey. I know you realize I have enough trouble navigating Blogger!!! I know you’re laughing, but it’s true!!! If I had to deal with Facebook too, can you imagine what I’d be like to deal with? Nope, not going there or doing that. Life’s already too damn full. Good luck!XO

  12. Random Chick 11/19/2008 at 5:42 PM #

    Suzanne: You are soooooo right! XO

  13. catscratch 11/19/2008 at 7:42 PM #

    I have made a vow to never, and I mean never, sign on to Facebook.It is evil and is a spawn of Satan himself. I can’t afford to have another addiction.

  14. just bob 11/19/2008 at 9:24 PM #

    Never got into the whole Facebook or Myspace thing. That’s all I would need for my self-esteem, to put up a profile and have no one add me as a friend. I could so see that happening.

  15. Leah 11/19/2008 at 9:31 PM #

    LOL!!!!!!!! I’ve conquered my momentary addiction by only logging on a few times a week and limiting my time to a few minutes. Seriously. One must be strict with one’s self!On the upside, I’ve reconnected with some dear long-lost friends…

  16. Suzanne 11/19/2008 at 10:01 PM #

    So, if I want to reconnect with high school friends, Facebook is the way to do it!!!??? Oh my God I’m laughing too hard.I just came from my blog and some serious shit and need a good laugh. So Facebook is a good laugh? Oh, just so you all know, Robyn posted about her Mystery trip. What a hoot. Her last cancer treatment is Monday, but those two broads managed to go to Hollywood before the big day. I swear to God she’s the poster child for how to beat cancer! Visit and have a blast. RC perhaps you can post a link. I’ve lost my blog roll and you know all the cool stuff about linky-dinky.XOP.S. Love you.

  17. just bob 11/19/2008 at 10:06 PM #

    From Robyn’s blog:We Went to Hollywood and were… WICKED!

  18. Jobee 11/20/2008 at 2:53 AM #

    I have noticed that some stupid husbands (mine..) go looking for ex girlfriends to stroke their ego a bit… Face crack I call it…

  19. Arv 11/20/2008 at 6:34 AM #

    hmmm… if that happens to me… am out of it… but I connected back with lot of my Uni friends there… Hope you are doing well mate…take care, cheers…

  20. Heff 11/20/2008 at 2:11 PM #


  21. Suzanne 11/21/2008 at 12:23 AM #

    Bob, you’re the best. Thanks babe.XO

  22. Awake In Rochester 11/22/2008 at 4:05 AM #

    I signed up for it, but never figured out how to work it. I recently heard a computer geek say that same thing. So now I don’t feel so bad. ;o)

  23. Braja 11/25/2008 at 9:38 PM #

    And yeah, I hate Facebook!

  24. sexy 05/03/2009 at 4:48 AM #

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