Mommy Entourage

20 Nov

Scanning the Internet’s celeb-u-trash sites, I stumbled across this image on Yahoo’s OMG. The caption for this photo read, “Heidi Klum isn’t just a supermodel, she’s a super mom to Leni, Henry, and Johan.”

My response was, “PFFFTTT! Super Mom, my ass!”

Look at that entourage of nannys she’s got doing all the work. She’s just strolling on down the street without a care in the world. If one of her little darlings starts yelling, “Mommy, Leni took my binky!” or “I have to go potty! NOW!” or “He’s breathing on me!” who do you think will scurry to the child’s side and take care of business? Most likely a nanny!

I mean, just look at the size of her purse! Then look at the size of the bag that other woman has slung on her shoulder then tell me, who does the work? Who wipes the butts, who grabs the Goldfish crackers, who tries to contain the tantrum-throwing toddlers without causing a scene?

Okay, so I don’t know Heidi Klum personally and maybe she does wipe snot off her kids’ noses but this photo just struck me as typical: Hollywood Mommy with Her Entourage of Nannys Goes Out Shopping in New York. And I’m supposed to think she’s a Mom just like me? I’m supposed to identify with her and buy the crap she peddles with her image?

Yeah, right.

Heidi Klum would probably puke if she knew what most real Moms have to do every damn day.

19 Responses to “Mommy Entourage”

  1. INNER VOICES 11/20/2008 at 10:18 AM #

    that ought to be a reality show. take all a celebs money and nannies away for a month and plop them into a suburban household and watch them self destruct….three cheers to moms doing it for real!!

  2. Queen Goob 11/20/2008 at 11:12 AM #

    And just look at her face. That is not a smile that says “I’m Heidi Klum and I am having fun with my family”….oh no, that is a “he he he they couldn’t PAY me enough to do the work of all of these nannies” smile.And did no one else notice that not ONE of those nannies is smiling? Two are grasping a child for all they’re worth and the other is so dazed and confused about what to do she looks constipated.Great, that’s what we really look like, isn’t it?

  3. Leah 11/20/2008 at 11:21 AM #

    Unbelievable, three nannies, one for each kid. It’s the same way with Hollywood marriages–not one of those celebrities seems to do the real work involved in marriage–do you think maybe they secretly hire “marriage nannies”?LOL to Zack–I’d LOVE to see that reality show.

  4. Leah 11/20/2008 at 11:23 AM #

    Wait a minute, there’s two more people in that entourage, you don’t think it’s FIVE nannies, do you? Haha, that would be awesome.

  5. Megan 11/20/2008 at 12:27 PM #

    Leni’s sunglasses probably cost more than my month’s salary. PFFFTTT indeed!!

  6. Megan 11/20/2008 at 12:27 PM #

    P.S. Echo on the reality show – that would be priceless.

  7. Giggle Pixie 11/20/2008 at 12:28 PM #

    She wouldn’t just puke. She’d hide in her bedroom and sob giant elephant tears and then drown her sorrows in a huge bowl of ice cream followed by a bottle of wine and a bag of doritos and…Okay, so MAYBE I’m projecting. But just a little.

  8. ReformingGeek 11/20/2008 at 12:31 PM #

    I’m rolling my eyes looking at that. It looks like she’s out expecting to be photographed! Of course I don’t know that much about her. Are all three of the kids hers or is it just the two in the stroller with the one nanny? Another possibility is that one or more of the “nannys” is a relative from the wrong side of the tracks.But you’r right, Heidi doesn’t look much like a mom.

  9. whatigotsofar 11/20/2008 at 1:13 PM #

    It looks like there are at least three people with her kids. So, Heidi +3 is required to take care of 3 kids.Notice, the one with the strollers has no smile while Heidi is beaming.I bet she tells all her friends how quickly she lost the baby fat. Probably a lot easier when you aren’t actually raising the babies.And by the way, I’m a dude. A dude with no hopes of ever breeding and even I agree with you over the supermodel.

  10. catscratch 11/20/2008 at 6:24 PM #

    Right… nay a Hollyweird Mom to clean baby puke, projectile sneezes and subsequent snot waterfall….whatever.I wouldn’t trade places with any of them for anything… well, now that my kids are all growed up anyway 🙂

  11. Olga, the Traveling Bra 11/20/2008 at 7:07 PM #

    GAWD!! I HATE HER!!!!!!!LOL!How the hell are YOU?

  12. Mr. Shife 11/20/2008 at 10:50 PM #

    Wow. That is an interesting photo. If you just looked at it without reading the caption you would not even think those were her kids. You would just think she is just walking down the street behind two lesbians with their adopted son from Chad.

  13. MJ 11/20/2008 at 11:11 PM #

    Don King hair in the making.

  14. Posh Totty 11/21/2008 at 6:53 AM #

    Maybe she needs to read my blog post today to realise just how lucky she is.

  15. just bob 11/21/2008 at 7:54 AM #

    Where’s Seal?

  16. meleah rebeccah 11/21/2008 at 9:35 AM #

    I agree with you 100%. These celebs have No Idea what REAL MOMS that are NANNY FREE have to deal with.

  17. QuirkyLoon 11/24/2008 at 4:09 PM #

    Amen to all the above!Nanny Schmanny!I put up my haughty nose to you Ms. Klum.heh heh

  18. Abby 11/24/2008 at 7:05 PM #

    This is unreal, I took 2 screaming kids to the doctors this morning, by myself only to find F (my son) has a yeast infection thanks to the antibiotics he is on, I carpeted a doll house for my 3 1/2 year old daughter, I did all the laundry and put it away, I made lunch and dinner. And still had time to play the Wii with my hubby. ALL WITHOUT A NANNY!!!! I cannot even imagine having one nanny let alone the 3 or 4 Heidi has!

  19. Braja 11/25/2008 at 9:33 PM #

    Yeah I’m with you, Random…I am not a mother but I hate all this supermom crap about celebrities. They wouldn’t know reality if it jumped up and bit their over-exercised asses….

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